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Teacher Workshop: Project Learning Tree Explore Your Environment

Saturday, December 7 | 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.


Get your own K-8 Explore Your Environment curriculum guide and learn how to bring the environment to life in your classroom! Gain the skills and confidence you need to inspire your students HOW to think, not WHAT to think about complex environmental issues, such as forest conservation, climate change, and water resources.


Participants will receive a certificate for their TEEAC approved credit hours. PLT teaches you everything you need to know to engage your students in these fun, hands-on lessons. Student worksheets are included. This workshop includes the activity guide which is a $35 value. Limited scholarships are available upon request.


Please contact for more information.

PLT Instructor: Jessica Wolanski, Director of Youth, Family & School Learning at San Antonio Botanical Garden
Cost: $40 and includes curriculum guide. Registration is open until filled or the time of the workshop.


All Access 24/7 Events

Free Online Virtual Workshops, Webinars, and Courses

Rekindle Your Professional Fire

(1 Hour Webinar)

During this webinar, you will learn how to promote your mental and physical well-being by prioritizing your basic needs, how to help rediscover your passion for teaching with strategies centered on purpose and autonomy, and how to support the implementation of practical, habit-based solutions that bring joy back to your practice.


How to Use ChatGPT: Time-Saving Tips for Busy Educators

(1 Hour Webinar)

During this webinar, you will learn what prompts and questions to try out on ChatGPT, as you explore the power, potential, and possibilities of artificial intelligence for educator productivity. This session is for those who are curious about the role of artificial intelligence in education, including educators who work directly with students, educators who coach classroom teachers, and school and district administrators looking to better understand the impact of AI in education.


Becoming Stress Wise at School

(1 Hour Webinar)

In this webinar, the authors of From Stressed Out to Stress Wise will offer a framework to navigate classroom stress, including visual maps and simple practices you can use to guide students to an enriched state of awareness and self-regulation. Learn more about this step-by-step framework to shift from stressed out to stress wise in a progressive way. Leverage the power of relationships to create a classroom where stress is acknowledged as a messenger of change rather than a monster. 


7 Steps to Lead Inclusive School Transformation

(1 Hour Webinar)

Calling all educational leaders to this webinar, where Dr. Julie Causton and Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak of Inclusive Schooling will show you HOW to create real and lasting inclusive changes in your school structures, schedules, and staffing patterns.

During the webinar, you will learn about 7 transformative practices—further detailed in our new ASCD book, The Way to Inclusion: How Leaders Create Schools Where Every Student Belongs—to help you create inclusive learning opportunities for every student.

Teach Happier: Small Shifts, Big Gifts

(1 Hour Webinar)

In this interactive session, presented by author Suzanne Dailey, you will learn realistic and proactive strategies based in positive psychology that will help you achieve work/life satisfaction as you navigate this unique time of teaching and leading. We'll unpack some fundamental understandings and then dig deeper to explore small shifts in thoughts, language, and actions. These small and manageable shifts, practiced over time, will help you teach happier, parent happier, partner happier, work happier, and increase your overall happiness and well-being. 


Walking the Talk. A Practical Framework for Leading Toward Equity

(1 Hour Webinar)

This webinar will explore the Equity Leadership Framework and the essential leadership attributes in creating a culture centered around everyday equity actions that matter. Leaders will gain insight and learn strategies to effectively lead equity efforts by:

*Defining and clarifying equity. This is the foundation from which all things will flow. We will explore the importance of creating a working definition of equity and why this definition is so crucial for the other framework components to function optimally.*Creating productive discomfort. Creating a new normal where adults get comfortably uncomfortable to challenge the status quo through intentional dialogue conscious of race .*Building efficacy. Monitoring adult beliefs and supporting the development of higher levels of individual and shared efficacy.*Normalizing action. Ensuring that staff routinely use an equity lens in gathering and using data and providing instruction for consistent and sustained success over time.


Equity calls for courageous leadership. Join this webinar for a journey of discovery about the importance of leveraging focus, competence, and passion to confidently forge an unconventional path that will authentically lead to equity.


Educator Bandwidth, Burnout, and Blameless Discernment 

(1-2 Hour Webinar)

In this webinar, Kise and Holm look at how the bandwidth approach goes beyond self-care. You'll learn to apply the concept of blameless discernment to correctly identify sources of low bandwidth while avoiding unproductive judgments. You'll also understand the connection with hardiness—the capacity to grow from the inevitable stress in any life involving people and goals. The presenters finish with helpful tips for improving your bandwidth.

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Teaching with Empathy: Transform Your Practice by Understanding and Validating Your Students' Needs and Your Own

(1 Hour Webinar)

In this webinar, Lisa Westman explores the question why empathy, elaborates on the three types of empathy and how they intertwine with curriculum, instruction, assessment, and equity practices. She also covers strategies for increasing empathy for yourself, which is the key to managing feelings of burnout, stress, and guilt.

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